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Central Laboratories

State of the Art Flow Cytometry Techniques Now Supported in Singapore

  • September 17, 2018
Flow cytometry is well established as a research tool in clinical research. This is due to its wide range of cellular parameters that can be measured with fluorescent reagents and its ability to measure as many as 10 of these parameters simultaneously.

In a recent whitepaper, Dr. Bryan Eppert, Director of Clinical Laboratory Operations at Medpace, discusses flow cytometry and how it lends itself as a useful clinical trial tool in a wide variety of therapeutic areas. You can access that whitepaper in its entirety here.

Flow Cytometry Capabilities

Medpace offers global flow cytometry capabilities, with flow cytometry departments located at our US, Belgium and Singapore central laboratories.

Medpace has an experienced flow cytometry team overseen by PhD-level scientists with over 10 years of experience designing, analyzing, and interpreting multicolor flow cytometry assays. Whether a custom panel needs to be developed or a method needs to be transferred to our laboratory to support a global clinical trial, we have the experience to quickly validate and implement the flow cytometry testing.

Flow Cytometry

Central Lab Services include:

  • Cell Enumeration
  • Custom Panel Validations
  • Immune Response
  • Intracellular Cytokine Expression
  • PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells)
  • Receptor Saturation Assays
  • T-Reg Assays
  • TBNK Panel (T Cells, B Cells, Natural Killer Cells)

Flow Cytometry Instrumentation:

  • BD FACSCanto™ – 10 Color

Medpace also has strategic lab partnerships who have extensive experience performing flow cytometry hematomalignancies, LAIP (leukemia-associated immunophenotypes), and MRD (minimal residual disease) analysis requiring a pathologist review and interpretation.

To learn more about Medpace’s central laboratories and how we can benefit your next clinical trial, contact us here.