“My first summer with Medpace was unlike any other job or internship I had,” says Data Coordinator Erica Roeder. Erica joined Medpace in the summer of 2019 as an intern in Data Management where she quickly learned this was an experience she would not soon forget.
Before Erica even had a career in clinical data management on her radar, she aspired to a future in medicine specializing in hematology/oncology. She had her sights set on working in oncology research and advocating for patients throughout her adolescence — until she entered college. After her freshman year of college, Erica met with Medpace for an internship opportunity, and her worldview shifted.
Striding into the front doors of Medpace’s headquarters on the first day of her internship, Erica marveled at the size of the campus and…associates wearing jeans. “[It was] pretty cool for a corporate job,” she recalls of her introduction to the dress code. As the day moved on, she got her own laptop, cubicle, badge, and “friend for the day,” a team member assigned to each intern and new hire on their first day to show them around campus, answer any questions, and act as a general resource. After just a few short weeks, Erica moved from reading through standard operating procedures and training modules to hands-on tasks like sitting in on sponsor calls.
“Growing up I always knew I wanted to work in oncology research,” Erica shares. “But after working in [clinical data management] for a couple of years, I have seen the benefits and great impact that I can have while working ‘behind the scenes’ in a way.” The industry knowledge she garnered during her internship gave her a clear view of what working in clinical research could look like for her.
“My first week as a full-time Data Coordinator really didn’t feel too different from any other week here, I just felt like I was picking back up where I left off.”
In her time away from Medpace during the COVID-19 pandemic, Erica took to developing her skill set. She spent more time with family and friends, doubled down on academics, and even picked up two more jobs. These two positions pushed Erica outside of her comfort zone, and, in the end, she reports becoming a better leader and communicator because of it. “Overall, I feel like I developed a lot in that time period, which helped me take on more when I returned to Medpace later on,” Erica observes.
Upon her return to Medpace for a second stint as an intern, Erica had the opportunity to explore departments outside of her own. She enjoyed touring the other positions, but “[data management] always kind of felt like home,” Erica remarks. She explains that her coworkers are welcoming and down-to-earth which allowed her to really thrive in her internship. They bonded over their “Type A” personalities, and Erica knows they are always there for her when she has questions. When the opportunity for a full-time role came around, she knew she didn’t want to be anywhere else. She accepted a full-time role as a Data Coordinator after graduation, and she seamlessly transitioned into her new position.
“My first week as a full-time Data Coordinator really didn’t feel too different from any other week here, I just felt like I was picking back up where I left off,” Erica describes. During her first year as a full-time Medpace associate, Erica fell into a natural routine of asking questions and studying training to fill in the gaps in her knowledge. However, since she already had a history of aiding in clinical research studies, she felt this next step was a natural transition. Even though Erica had previous experience in the department she now calls home, she also discovered all of the things she had yet to learn. As an intern, she assisted with studies, but internships have their limits. Now, Erica has stepped into a whole new world of data management. She has branched out and befriended more experienced Data Coordinators and participated in employee events, but she now looks to see what the future holds for her at Medpace.
A combination of mentorship and authentic relationships helped Erica flourish in her internships and ultimately inspired her to claim her full-time role with Medpace. The natural sequence of accepting her position was only enhanced by the support she received, and she looks forward to fostering these relationships and creating a welcoming space for incoming interns.

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