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Clinical Development

The Evolving Landscape of Therapeutic and Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals

  • August 6, 2020
In a new article, experts from Medpace’s radiation oncology, imaging, regulatory, and operational teams discuss the growing space of radiopharmaceutical development. The article focuses on their biological use and application, regulatory frameworks that govern their evaluation in support of approvals, operational manufacturing considerations, and associated imaging approaches.

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Therapeutic and diagnostic approaches involving the use of radiation and radioactive compounds have a longstanding history in the fields of science and medicine. Radiotherapy was first used in cancer treatments in 1896. Since then, the field of radiation has advanced to further understand how radioactive compounds interact with biological tissues and how they can be used in both diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

Radiopharmaceuticals are compounds used for medicinal purposes that contain radioactive isotopes and can be diagnostic or therapeutic in nature. They represent a unique category of pharmaceuticals due to their radioactive properties. As such, there are specific guidelines and regulations that impact and direct the study and use of these compounds.

Radiopharmaceutical drug development has rapidly expanded over the last decade. Radiopharmaceuticals are widely used in the field of imaging for diagnosis, staging, and follow up; in the realm of therapeutics, their use has increased, most notably, in the area of oncology.

Learn from experts with recent and relevant experience in conducting trials in this space. Download the article to learn more.